Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation In Business

When it comes to the cost, many people get afraid of the cost of using spray foam insulation in their houses. What we do not realize is the amazing benefits that this product can offer our homes and commercial spaces alike. We present the many amazing benefits of using spray foam insulation in your commercial spaces and help you realize that this is actually a beneficial investment where protecting your business is concerned.

  • Foam insulation is made from polyurethane and isocyanate which are composite materials. When they mix, the chemical interaction makes the combined substance to expand and harden. During the installation process both are sprayed simultaneously to ensure a good protective layer is formed, thereby protecting what is required.
  • There are two types of spray foam insulation- open cell and closed cell. Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation comes with many benefits and is sometimes the preferred option over open cell. This is because close cell has a higher R-Value than open cell.

Here below are some of the amazing benefits of closed cell spray foam insulation:

  • Being magnanimous in nature, this form of spray foam insulation tightly seals all the nooks and crannies. It is the preferred choice of customers and beats other products in the market because of its air-tight sealing ability.
  • Due to its air sealing ability, a lot of businesses and homes save on an large amount of energy. In comparison to the other insulations available, this form of spray foam insulation helps save up to 50% energy which is beneficial when you are running a business.
  • The holes and cracks in the walls or ceiling, are an invitation to more than just air and moisture. Being resistant to water, it restricts the entrance of moisture.
  • Commercial spaces can be untroubled for years because of the longevity factor of Spray Foam Insulation.
  • The insulation helps not just reduce energy consumption but also creates a green and healthy environment. It protects against mold growth and moisture entrance. Also, because it lasts for years, there is lesser material consumed thereby saving on resources.
  • Air leaks generally cause high amount of energy consumption. The Spray Foam Insulation helps in to air-tight seal the cracks and holes which in turn helps to save on energy.
  • Being an inert polymer, it provides no source of food or water for mold and mildew. This helps protect your business from getting infected by insects and other pests.