Benefit #1: History Proves It
Since its development in 1955, Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF), has revolutionized the way designers approach energy efficiency in building envelope design- making SPF one of the top choices among builders.
Benefit #2: Polyurethanes Continue to Grow
You may have seen viral videos of polyurethane coated items being thrown off of rooftops and maintaining their integrity; eggs, bowling balls and more. As new uses for SPF are identified, the demand for SPF is growing in popularity.
Benefit #3: Highest Insulator in the Industry
When you buy a car, one of the top things you look at is ratings! Safety, performance, comfort, style – are things you expect out of a car. The same goes for roofs! Customers want to know they don’t need to spend thousands of dollars in upkeep and excess heating bills. The closed cell spray foam versions is one of the highest yielding R-values in the industry, rated at 6-6.5 per inch thick. Yielding R-30 in as little as 4¾” thickness.
Benefit #4: It’s Sturdy as Heck
Closed-cell foam adds structural rigidity to roof decks and walls. Installed by spraying the liquid SPF to the substrate it immediately penetrates and becomes fully adhered rendering it virtually inseparable even under hurricane force winds. The surface to which the foam is applied essentially become one monolithic structure adding strength against racking yet flexible enough to withstand typical expansion and contracting loads. SPF has a long history in the roofing and coatings market where SPF roofs have recorded service lives in excess of 40 years performing in spite of nature’s highly destructive elements.
Benefit #5: Foam Roofing is Inexpensive
It’s true, SPF is more expensive than single ply roofing membranes, but when it comes to retrofit roofing SPF’s ability to be applied to most any substrate with as little as a broom cleaning, the SPF provides containment of the existing roof membrane and a fully serviceable substrate for long lasting coating systems.
Benefit #6 Flame Retarders Rock
With its entry as a mainstream building and construction insulation, manufactures of the SPF’s are engineering spray foams with superior flame and smoke development ratings and actual thermal flame retarders limiting the actual spread of fires.
Benefit #7 Moisture Barriers are a Necessity
No matter where you live- rain, snow, or moisture is a guarantee. Often requiring a protective coating to protect it from UV light degradation yet in its own right is a moisture barrier. SPF with its closed cell characteristics has a built in ability to withstand the formation or accumulation of moisture. A typical 2# density spray foam insulation is also a vapor retarder when installed at thicknesses greater than 2”.