
Spray Foam & Coating Equipment, Parts, Training, Material

Cleaning A/B Filters

by | Jul 30, 2015 | Screens & Filters

Sometimes chemical cleaning the A and B filters can leave too much residue and plug up the screen hole. My suggestion? Re-new your filter screens.

You can do it with a few tricks. Try using a light amount of heat from a torch and burn out any restrictions. Once the restrictions are burned off, use air to blow out excess from the screens. Finally, hold your screen up to a light to ensure it is clear and ready to use again.

Written by: <a href="https://sprayworksequipment.com/blog/author/jim-davidson/" target="_self">Jim Davidson</a>

Written by: Jim Davidson

Jim Davidson is Partner and Founder at SprayWorks Equipment. He has 50+ years of experience in the spray foam industry and has worked alongside many of the industry pioneers. Jim has designed and created industry equipment such as; Spraybot, Barrel Blazer, Roboliner and Polybot - among others.


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