Having a quality hose for spray foam is a must and if you own a spray foam company then it has to be ensured that hoses maintain temperature when spraying is applied. This leads to best yield and better performance. Top quality spray foam is offered including PMC hose that have braided thermocouple wire and are PVC encapsulated so that it stays protected from moisture. Both heated hoses for high pressure and low pressure in many lengths and diameters can be used, depending on your project needs. Here are some of them.
Sensing unit for temperature an RTD PMC assembly
The features in these Spray Foam Hoses are one of the best parts especially when the RTD four wire (temperature resistance detector) is utilized. Contractors often look for an aftermarket solution in the form of a unit for temperature monitoring and the heat it exists with the hoses. PMC has better quality OEM equipment. For the best value in your high or low pressure hoses, you can count on the experts.
Whip hose heated
The PMC manufactures heated Spray Foam Hoses that work with AP-2 PMC guns as well as various other kinds of spray foam guns including coatings guns. There are specific product codes for the hoses in order to identify which ones are made extra tough and which feature a copper wire wrapping that is braided for the purpose of heating. A protective jacket made of extruded PVC is made. The heated hose including thermocouple wire is affordable. Whip hose heats up the foam and any other material for coating evenly and quickly. Reliability and ruggedness are its basic traits and PMC hoses are designed to experience significant levels of wear and tear. They serve for the longest time and also deliver results that are excellent.
Different hoses and coating hoses available
The various designs of the hoses include Gun whip HP/ universal LP, heated hose high-pressure w/TC, low pressure heated hose 2000 psi with TC wire control, the Fluid hose that is an ISO hose for supply to the machines from transfer pumps and air harness transfer pump. On the site of the reputable companies, you can view their full selection of hoses in stock.
Designed with transformer
PMC hoses have been designed to fit multiple lengths of hose. They are engineered for chemical systems and Polyurea application. These are also used in systems of Polyurethane chemical foam and two-component systems of epoxy. For making sure that consistent heat is available, circumference is completely covered with a durable scuff guard.