
Spray Foam & Coating Equipment, Parts, Training, Material

Keep Your B-Side Going

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Hoses, Proportioners & Reactors

The B Side, in general, is less likely to cause contamination in the screens. As a result, B Side screens are often neglected.

One possible cause of B Side pressure loss is the collection of paint chips over time. Spray foam drums are recyclable and during the recycling process, some of the drums are repainted inside. Over time, the B component can soften the paint in the drum, causing it to flake off and collect in the Y-filter assembly – restricting flow to the machine. Making the Y-filter assembly a priority to clean can help prevent the collection of paint chips.

Written by: <a href="https://sprayworksequipment.com/blog/author/dave-penta/" target="_self">Dave Penta</a>

Written by: Dave Penta

Dave Penta is the VP of Sales at SprayWorks Equipment. For the past 40+ years, Dave has worked with multiple industries including; commercial and residential buildings, along with spray foam and coatings systems.


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