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What is a Spray Foam Rig and How is it Designed?

by | Nov 29, 2018 | Uncategorized

Some of the best quality spray foam turnkey rigs are produced by the qualified companies and they are produced in the industry by contractors. The qualified technicians at SprayWorks Equipment help in determining the spray foam equipment as per your needs and support you in all ways. They are all customized keeping in mind the material applicators. For fulfilling the needs of the customers, the experts have the spray foam rigs built with high-quality spray-foam insulation equipment.

As the industry experts, SprayWorks Equipment understand the foam rig needs or the demands for coatings rig. Thus mobile trailers are built and the rigs range from being shore-powered eco-friendly rigs to master-size extra large rigs. Each rig has been equipped with specs for having it set up as a turn-key rig.

What are the rigs basically?

The spray foam rigs are manufactured trailers or box trucks that are put together to be turnkey completely. It allows any contractor of spray foam to show up at job site, with few couple switches so that application process can begin. These foam rigs comprise of the gun, Transfer Pumps, Heated Hose, proportioning machine (reactor), air-dryer, compressor, and generator.

Transport chemicals safely

High-quality spray foam rigs are laid out, so that component’s weight distribution is well-balanced. This allows for a smooth and safe tow. Since, these rigs are an applicator’s workspace, a rig that is well laid out usually includes a system of barrel bracing that is good. This shall help immensely in the transportation of chemicals. Workbench, cabinets and tool boxes assist in the storing of supplies and tools in a much-organized manner.

The trailer or the Box Foam Truck

A box foam spray or trailer must be well insulated and heated, using closed cell foam spray insulation. The equipment of safety must be included like fire extinguishers, first aid, eye wash besides fresh air for breathing, separately.

Can be customized

Rigs can be easily customized for accommodating box truck, hitch, standard trailer, and fifth wheel. Additionally, foam rigs are constructed with the strictest guidelines and engineered for highly superior performance. For instance, there are many kinds of these foam rigs, like for instance box trucks and trailers that have been designed spaciously for a high-end production. This also helps in the maximization of profits.

Extensive testing and research is done

Companies carry on with extensive testing and research for providing advanced technology that is available in the spray foam mobile rigs. Each rig has been equipped with a heating system and robotic system.

Written by: <a href="https://sprayworksequipment.com/blog/author/sprayworks/" target="_self">SprayWorks Equipment</a>

Written by: SprayWorks Equipment

SprayWorks Equipment is an equipment supply company at the center of polyurethanes and the polyurea industry. Our team has certified experts, trained to help a variety of businesses in single and plural component applications. With well over 100 years of combined spray foam, polyurea, and construction experience in a variety of industries, SprayWorks Equipment’s team brings a wealth of knowledge to our customers.


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