
Spray Foam & Coating Equipment, Parts, Training, Material

What Makes the Makers of Automated Spray Foam Machine Pioneer Leaders?

by | Dec 20, 2018 | Uncategorized

Coatings and spraying foam are typically operations that are hand-held and involve a spray applicator. This applicator needs a person at the gun, machine operators, hose person along with a machine operator. However, several companies out there have widely started implementing the use of robotic spray application.

The equipment ranges from as low as twelve thousand dollars and can easily go up to thirty-five thousand dollars or more. It is all dependent on the model and supplier. These robots have traditionally been used predominantly for the applications of roofing. However, one can find them in use with the elastomeric coatings as well as polyurea systems in the flooring, horizontal large surface applications as well.

The advantages

With this automated spray foam machine, you can expect to have consistent applications of the materials. They offer easy dial-in relating to desired thickness and also have the ability to slop surfaces consistently.

  • The automated spray foam machine minimizes, over spraying because of the wind skirts that are optional. There is a significant increase in the productivity in the terms of output of materials, labor requirements and material yield. There is operator fatigue that is reduced as well and passes of wider application as far a seven feet wide.
  • Contractors have reported saving loads of money on first-time projects, thus are even able to pay for equipment within just a couple jobs.

Mimicking flare technique

Some robots are quite smaller and have been designed in a manner that they can move in front of workers, requiring only a two man working crew. Most have abilities in adjusting the distance between substrate and gun, set pass width, travel speed and also the speed of the vehicle. Many also possess capabilities of mimicking flare techniques at both ends. This leads to great tie-in passes that are overlapping besides spray action that is continuous.

Manhole creating and industrial pipe robots

For lining the manholes and pipes, with a lot of polyurea as well as many other elastomeric coatings meant for abrasion, protective and structural properties. Resistance towards intrusion of groundwater is also developing rapidly towards markets for material applications and plural-component equipment.

World recognized leaders

These companies that offer the automated equipment are recognized leaders on innovative systems of roofing. They offer the best-of-class solutions associated with insulation and waterproofing. These are all meant for a wide range of residential, industrial and commercial applications.

Written by: <a href="https://sprayworksequipment.com/blog/author/sprayworks/" target="_self">SprayWorks Equipment</a>

Written by: SprayWorks Equipment

SprayWorks Equipment is an equipment supply company at the center of polyurethanes and the polyurea industry. Our team has certified experts, trained to help a variety of businesses in single and plural component applications. With well over 100 years of combined spray foam, polyurea, and construction experience in a variety of industries, SprayWorks Equipment’s team brings a wealth of knowledge to our customers.


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