When operating or are initiating a foam insulation business, you are aware of the practical, versatile, and lucrative nature of the insulation market. However, as with most booming industries, there are a variety of uses for spray foam insulation spanning a range of applications. In an increasingly ‘green’ initiative-minded world, insulation helps lower energy consumption and assists in keeping often unfriendly weather outside where it belongs.

Operating a foam insulation business requires knowing the right equipment for the right type of insulation jobs. Foam insulation spray equipment is a vital investment in your business as it is what will keep it operational, and choosing the right equipment for the right type of insulation project is pivotal to your business’s success. Having access to the right equipment requires an understanding of application type and correct use for particular situations. If you are in the insulation business and looking to grow and develop, you have likely been wondering the answers to some pertinent questions.
Should I Get A Spray Foam Rig Or Just The Equipment?

In order to perform top quality work, the right equipment for the job is imperative. One of the primary choices that need to be made by a foam insulation business is whether to purchase foam spraying equipment for the needs of various jobs or to invest in a fully equipped spray foam rig. A spray foam rig is a larger investment, but it is preloaded, souped-up, and customized for any job your business is called upon to perform.
Of course, not all rigs are stocked with the same features. Those working on a budget could still acquire a 16 or 20-foot economy trailer rig, equipped for a great majority of insulation projects. For low and medium projects, a portable rig series will suffice. Those insulators with far more pressing business and particular needs can invest in a high production rig, a custom rig, or even a SMART rig, equipped with SMART Machine tech.
There is also the route with purchasing just the necessary equipment. Hauling and setting up complex equipment from job to job can be time-consuming, that’s before mentioning that it needs to be stored somewhere, which may require the equipment to be lighter and more mobile. This also means that it’s unlikely to be industrially capable of completing the largest of projects. Then there is the power and compressed air supply considerations common to all spray foam equipment. Whereas certain rigs, commonly referred to as ‘turn-key’ rigs, include their own power supply. If you have the means to supply power and a small amount of compressed air then a simple equipment package is all that is required. Click the links for more information on individual sprayers to pumps.
How Much Does A Spray Foam Rig Cost?
The cost of spray foam rigs vary significantly based on several factors. The extensive nature of their equipment, the economic level of the machine, and of course the grade of the equipment that occupies the rig’s construct will all be factors in the cost. Different manufacturers can also price rigs at different price ranges.
On average, a simple air-operated machine can start at approximately $8,000, which is the lowest end of the price point scale. However, the air consumption requirement of an air rig could be a concern to a business owner. Machines relying on electric and hydraulic as the main drive cost anywhere between $12,000 and $27,000 based on the extensive nature of the equipment installed. Additionally installed equipment in a rig adds to the cost, so much so that the full equipment costs require investments exceeding $50,000. Depending on one’s business needs, a quote for a rig or equipment can be obtained by contacting a representative from SprayWorks here.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Spray Foam Insulation?
While there are many end user advantages to spray foam insulation usage including massive energy savings, reduction of moisture, mold, dust, pollen, noise, and ice damage, as well as enhanced structural strength and minimal maintenance, there are some notable downsides to it as well.
While there is no arguing the energy operating cost savings, the effects are far from immediate. Most who use spray foam insulation start only seeing the investment, which typically carries a hefty upfront cost, start to show dividends only 2 to 4 years after the insulation has been administered. The installation process itself is often more time consuming than alternative insulation as well. The other clear disadvantage is that the project is not something most can take up as a DIY endeavor as it necessitates a variety of foam insulation spray equipment and knowledge of the process, which is why it is so important for business owners to get proper training.
Final Thoughts
As a foam insulation business, you are likely to encounter multiple challenges including heavy investment into equipment and a potential rig, on top of competition from other foam insulation businesses in your area and alternative insulation methods. Foam insulation can be a very lucrative as homeowners want to ultimately save on heating costs, so it is best to thoroughly research the equipment you will need to use, invest in quality equipment, set a budget apart for repairs and maintenance, and operate at the maximum quality in order to garner a superb reputation. When business comes your way, figure out the project’s scope, evaluate the cost to do the job, and make sure that the client gets top quality on every job. Â
An investment in a rig could make you far more capable and mobile with your equipment as well, so that is always worth consideration. To find out more about purchasing rigs, equipment, and many other aspects of the foam insulation business, visit SprayWorks Equipment today.