
Spray Foam Insulation Can Be a Better Option

by | Oct 25, 2018 | Uncategorized

The traditional insulation system is not as popular as the spray foam system. The spray foam is more versatile and works for the roof, walls, floor and lofts too. This type of insulation uses liquid foam that is sprayed to the area that has cracks or leaks. The liquid material dries and sets in. Then the cracks or air leaks are filled and air passing becomes impossible. This system is costly than the traditional system but it will reduce your energy bills to a greater extent than done by the traditional system. Therefore โ€“ you save money when you work with this spray foam system, in the long run.

Find out what are the differences of the spray Spray Foam Insulation system from the traditional system.

Spray foam is modern system

  • This is being used for around the last 30 years and is very popular. This is effective insulation for stopping air leakage completely. The Spray Foam Insulation stops escaping of air like a wind breaker. When used on the leakage area, it stops hot or cold air from coming inside your house. The system uses two part liquid material for insulation purpose. The liquids are placed in separate chambers and then travel through a hose to a spray gun. There, the material combines and forms the foam. When the foam is applied, it expands within a few seconds and then fills the cracks and crevices.
  • The traditional system used mineral wool or glass wool. There were polystyrene slabs or polystyrene that was expanded for such insulation purpose. These materials operated like sweaters that have holes for air passage. It therefore did not seal the leakage properly and the energy bills did not see drastic improvement in overall cost.

Filling of gaps

  • The spray foam helps in proper filling of the gaps. The foams expand so that it fills every nooks and corners of the area where it has been sprayed. This causes proper sealing and thermal insulation.
  • Traditional systems of installation, like fiber glass and different types of cellulose, were hard to install in the gaps properly – causing them to become less popular over time. The area where the gaps were found were insulated but still had the gaps and small cracks for air passing through. This never helped the sealing process and the building remains a free way for air to pass through.

Water retention capacity

  • The spray foams are of 2 types and one allows water to pass even when the foams seal the air passage. This helps in any type of repair after the insulation is completed. The other type rejects water too and so it is completely sealed.
  • The traditional system never rejects water but retain the water completely. This damaged the home and the functionality of insulation was completely wasted. The water retention gives way to damp and then growth of mold.

Choosing the best option

Thus, spray foam a is safer option for your home. It will not have harmful components that can harm the environment of your home. The fiberglass of the traditional system of insulation is not completely safe for the environment. You may also find rodents or termites remain away from homes that are insulated properly with spray foam. The traditional method was not very safe and the materials were torn apart by the critters and insects, which gave them direct access to the home. So when you choose the type of insulation โ€“ make sure you take into consideration all the aspects of each of the process and then opt for the best one.

Written by: <a href="https://sprayworksequipment.com/author/scmsprayworks/" target="_self">scmsprayworks</a>

Written by: scmsprayworks


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