
Spray Foam & Coating Equipment, Parts, Training, Material

Get HFC Compliant with HFO Spray Foam

At SprayWorks Equipment, we offer a diverse array of spray foam equipment that is guaranteed to exceed your application needs. Within our product line, we also offer HFO spray foam as an environmentally friendly alternative to the regular closed-cell spray foam.

With that in mind, if you are looking for HFO foam from a provider with over 100 years of combined industry experience, learn more about how SprayWorks Equipment can supply you with just what you need.

What is HFO Spray Foam?

Many states now require spray foam applicators to use closed-cell foam that does not contain HFCs. HFCs release gases that negatively impact Earth’s atmosphere, ultimately contributing to global warming. As a solution to this issue, our team at SprayWorks Equipment supplies HFO spray foam with blowing agents that are nonflammable, have low GWP, and have no ozone depletion potential – ultimately preventing heat from being trapped in Earth’s atmosphere. Many uses of polyurethane and adhesives now require HFO.

Who Needs HFO Spray Foam?

In 2020, the Clean Air Act established SNAP to begin phasing out ozone-depleting substances. Some closed-cell spray foams fell in that category. As a result, certain states began requiring HFCs to change over to the use of HFO foam with HFO blowing agents. As of October 2022, the EPA does not require the use of these products, so each state sets their own regulations.

HFC bans are currently in effect for following states:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington
  • Vermont
  • Virginia

HFC bans are nearing approval in the following states:

  • Connecticut
  • Hawaii
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas


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Types of Compliant HFO Foam

Many states are now requiring that closed-cell foam meet a compliance standard called HFO (hydroflouroolefin). Because of this, some of the HFO spray foam that SprayWorks Equipment offers includes the following products.


UPC 2.0 HFO foam is a two-component, medium-density, one-to-one by volume, spray-applied polyurethane foam system. The UPC 2.0 HFO system consists of an “A” component (ISO) and a blended “B” component (RESIN) in separate drums. UPC 2.0 HFO spray foam contains no ozone-depleting chemicals and is based on hydroflourolefin (HFO) technology.


GacoOnePass Low GWP F1880 is a two-component low GWP (Global Warming Potential) liquid spray system that cures to a medium-density rigid cellular polyurethane insulation material. It contains polyols derived from naturally renewable oils, postconsumer recycled plastics, and pre-consumer recycled materials. Our GacoOnePass can be used for the following applications:


  • Walls
  • Attics
  • Floors and ceilings
  • Crawlspaces
  • Foundations and concrete slabs
  • Residential ducts
  • Cold storage and freezers
  • Piping
  • Storage tanks
  • Flotation
  • Industrial applications

Universal Polymers Corporation (UPC)

UPC and its related divisions manufacture an extensive range of cutting-edge polyurethane spray foam products, polyurea, silicones and other coating solutions.

Grizzly Gold

We have leading edge SPF spray foam material systems formulated for Canada. Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadian Climates.

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