The PH-20 and the PHX-20 series machines are designed to bring the spray foam and coatings industry a low cost effective alternative hydraulic spray machine compared to electric and air driven spray foam equipment systems.
The machines are designed based on relay logic technology with 2,000 PSI to 3,000 PSI options including single phase and 3 phase modules. The PH-20 offers a powerful hydraulic drive system providing a superior and consist flow of fluid pressure to the spray gun.
Other features the PH-20 offers are individual hybrid (A) & (B) Pre-Heaters allowing for total independent temperature control of your products giving you the flexibility to fine tune spray foam and coating manufacturing. The PH-20 takes you to another level with its stroke up and down cycle counters.
This provides the ability to track product yields while preventing the machine from running out of material at the same time! This eliminates the continuous need to monitor material levels in your spray foam rig while spraying.