Tips from the Experts

Sometimes, there are things you just learn over time. Our team of experts have shared some of the trade secrets they have learned through successes and failures.

Jim Davidson

Jim Davidson is the Managing Partner at SprayWorks Equipment Group. He has 50 years of experience in the spray foam industry and has worked alongside many of the industry pioneers. Jim has designed and created industry equipment such as; Spraybot, Barrel Blazer, Roboliner and Polybot - among others.

John Davidson

John Davidson is the VP of Operations at SprayWorks Equipment Group and is an SPFA PCP Certified Roofing and Insulation Installer, Roofing and Insulation Project Manager, and Supplier Rep. With over 30 years of experience in the spray foam and polyurea industry, John brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience. He has worked on commercial and residential buildings, bridges and infrastructure.

Dave Penta

Dave Penta is the VP of Sales at SprayWorks Equipment Group. For the past 30+ years, Dave has worked with multiple industries including; commercial and residential buildings, along with spray foam and coatings systems.


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Gun Cleaner for Minimizing Wear on Parts

Torching, picking, sanding, and wire brushing off the gun and related parts often does more damage than good. At best, it cleans the parts but accelerates service life by abrasive cleaning. Utilizing an effective gun cleaner to reduce excessive cleaning of parts is recommended. Generally, a quality gun cleaner can clean parts within 15-20 minutes when the gun cleaner is heated overnight at room temperatures.

When to Perform Maintenance Checks

Avoid unnecessary down time by performing maintenance checks before you start your day. It is easier to perform these checks while the system is cool and pressure free. Taking this step saves you downtime later if something was wrong.

Pre-greasing Gun Parts

Most new-age spray guns are equipped with a grease fitting to lubricate the gun after service. However, pre-greasing each and every par,t within the wet end of the spray gun during assembly, assures each part is properly greased – without relying solely on the zurk fitting.


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